Maldon Yard

On what began as a somewhat dreary day, it proves to be very pleasant and extremely productive! Job one was adding in the extra gravel near the water column and giving it a good compact (the digger wheels are great for this).

It was the onto jacking, ballasting and packing the last little bit not completed yesterday.

It didn’t take too long at all and that was completed.

That was proceeded by lots of tidying up, boxing up and rebuilding the roadway, this time much narrower and clearly defined.

The area where the old oil store track was, was compacted and levelled, improving its appearance enormously.

It’s come up looking the best it has in many many years.

We had enough time left over to stack a few more loose sleepers into bundles, only a few more hours and we’ll have this task completed!

The biggest news of the day was that we finally managed to acquire a fuel filter for the gang truck (which has been parked up here for 2 weeks awaiting a filter… we’ve heard lots of excuses as to why one filter has been so hard to get… yet another supplier managed it in less than 2 days.).

More to the point, it now goes again and and we’ve given it a good clean out in the cab.

Anyhow, after the extremely intense program of works over the past 4 months, there will be a bit of a slowing in things for a while, which the staff take some leave.

As such, tomorrow’s workday has been cancelled and there will be no workdays next week at all – the following week Tuesday and Thursday will function as normal then from the week after (July 15th on, things will be back to normal, Tuesday/Thursday/Friday workdays).

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