Maldon Yard

In a fairly logical follow on from yesterday, we bolted up the strings of 60lb rail today and then proceeded to clip it all up.

It didn’t take us overly long to clip it all up, giving a very solid appearance very quickly.

We spent quite some time working on getting the curve looking nice, it will probably still need a tweak after we reinstate the gravel but it’s more than adequate for the job, and slightly less sharp than the previous turnout arrangement.

We’re very happily with how it’s come up. Keeping in mind this is relatively temporary as it’ll need significant tweaking when we replace the turnout later in the year as it’ll be a slightly different angle.

Tomorrow’s crew will be starting around 8.30am at Maldon, we’ll be jumping around onto a few jobs tomorrow to tidy up a few loose ends ahead of the end of the week long occupations.

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