The final concrete sleeper… for now

We had a mighty impressive day today, with 157 concrete sleepers installed, completing the straight section down to Woodlocks Lane Crossing.

Job one, however, was to load up the fire in readiness for some warmth at morning tea.

Before long, we were into it, starting at the top and working downhill.

The final clip was pulled just before lunch time, not a bad effort at all.

Following lunch, a big general tidying was had, including loading up all the drums, collecting old timber etc…

Before beginning works on making the ramp down to the crossing, of which a small qty of ballast was required, especially given that this will be here for some months, we have used ballast rather than just scraping up gravel.

A quick run up and back yo bring back what small amount of gravel ballast remained was undertaken prior to beginning the exciting job of jacking and packing the track.

We’ve still got a fair way to go with this tomorrow. This was by far the worst section we’ve come across to date. In all fairness, it was also the roughest before we started work, so that’s not a great surprise. We’ve removed the biggest dips from one leg and after adding some ballast tomorrow we’ll remove the crossfall from the rest, it won’t be perfect but it’ll be much better than it was before.

We’re quite proud of our efforts here, and hopefully, if we get time tomorrow, we’ll have a few stat’s to show off just how much extra re-sleepering we achieve in this period than we’d first thought possible.

Tomorrow’s crew will meet out on site from around 7.45am. (Woodlocks Ln)

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