Tangent 20-21

Today marked another milestone, with the final 141 sleepers inserted and clipped up, a total of 188 this week.  This now means we’ve got continuous concrete from Woodlocks Ln to the old tip crossing, quite a distance and one that was certainly due for a very heavy sleeper replacement, as the recoverable timber from here has been quite low.

The boys have now got very familiar with the fastclips and have decided they probably are quicker than the regular e clips, so we’ll need to retract yesterday’s comment about them being slow, rather it was us being the slow part of that equation.

For the immediate future, that’ll be all of these type going in, as we’ll be leap frogging back to the straight out of Maldon Yard, installing VR type E clip sleepers there.

The reason for the leap was simply that we needed to bring sleepers out from somewhere to do the work as it was a section we didn’t think we’d quite get to during the occupations, however we’ve outshone ourselves and this last bit will probably see us through to the end of June and hence the end of the week long occupations. There were almost enough left overs from around Bendigo Road to do this in VR type sleepers, so to save moving them too far, we’ll be using them.

There won’t be a workday tomorrow. However, we’ll be back into things as usual on Thursday, we do still need to jack, pack and tamp the section we worked on today, so meeting at Maldon at 8am or down by Bendigo Road shortly after.

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