Tuesday Workday

Today we made a start for tomorrow’s crew to re-instate the loco shed road at Castlemaine. With any luck it’ll all go swimmingly and we’ll have it back usable by mid morning. At which point we’ll jump over to a bit of tree trimming in the Castlemaine Area.

Meeting at Castlemaine from 8am

Track Walk

Believe it or not, it’s already been 6 months since the previous track walk! It’s task we do every 6 months, so this week, with its slightly cooler weather, has proved a nice time to do it.

The rolling track gauge was dusted off and after the usual checks against the track gauge and tape measure we set off. You’ll be pleased to know, only two locations with gauge issues were observed, with those two being very easily corrected, see below.

We did unfortunately, however not unsurprisingly, discover the general timber sleeper condition between Maldon and Pipeline Crossing has deteriorated significantly since the last inspection and as such well be placing a speed restriction over that length to extend its life until we can get the concrete sleepers in. The increased rate of deterioration is largely due to 3 consecutive wet winters, now that moisture is drying out, the sleepers are really showing their age. However, elsewhere, the rates of deterioration are as expected and still in quite good shape for the next 12/18 months.

We had two locations where old bridge piles have finally rotted out, one on the UP side of pipeline crossing, likely actually an old timber culvert, however possibly an old bridge.

The other, much more impressive and noticeable one is at the down end of Sawmill Rd Bridge, it is almost exactly spaced at what would be two spans from the end of the Bridge, Indicating that the bridge was probably at least two spans longer at some time in the dim dark distant past.

Neither is a great concern, simply filling with gravel and giving a good poke with the digger to fill the void below will be quite sufficient, as thats more or less how they were filled historically. Hopefully we’ll get time to do that tomorrow afternoon.

Our minor wide gauge issue was just past Sawmill Rd Crossing, in the very short section of remaining 60lb rail, all that was needed was the installation of a few outer metal biscuits and everything was back in tolerance. Hopefully only a few more months and this issue will go forever.

It was quite a successful day, with the section Maldon to Boundary Trk completed comfortably. Besides the few issues listed above, nothing of any great significance was discovered, which is fantastic, this was especially true in the recently re-railed section between Muckleford and Boundary Trk, it is holding up superbly. It has reiterated yet again that the remaining timber sleepers are very near the end of their life and we really do need to get the concrete sleepers in in a timely manner.

Tomorrow we’ll continue with the inspection, however we’ll start at Castlemaine Yard, meeting at the depot at 8am

Grass cutting

Another very full day of grass cutting, with pretty much everything that can be reached from the rail cut and a good amount of whipper snipping undertaken behind properties and around crossings. The contract slashers are hopeful of getting the rest done this weekend or next, so it should all come up looking very nice and just ahead of the fire season!

It was an awfully hot and humid day to be out in it, but it’s job done, for now at least!

Check back on Monday for details of Tuesday.