Sleeper Trains

We managed to set a record today, for the greatest number of sleepers we’ve moved by train in 1 day! A total of 1,337 sleepers have been dropped out trackside, with a further 450 loaded and ready to go in the morning.

First off we unloaded a full train load of fast clip sleepers out by Pipeline Crossing, these will be used in the straight and very large curve nearby.

Then off to Muckleford for a full reload, this time e clip type sleepers, for use in the curves on the Down side of pipeline crossing.

They were dropped out well ahead of lunch, in time to return to Maldon and unload the next semi load of sleepers arriving.

Cross loaded from the truck straight onto the train, nice to not have any double handling.

Once they were loaded, all remaining fastclip sleepers at Maldon were loaded, happening by fluke to perfectly match the number needed to make a full train load!

Another discharge well on the Down side of Pipeline crossing further around the sweeping curve saw the wagons emptied again, ready for the final load of the day at Muckleford.

Tomorrow we’ll be meeting at Maldon at 8am, we do need to fuel up the digger and do a couple of small odd jobs, before we head out to drop out the loaded sleepers. However by the end of tomorrow, we should have another few hundred sleepers dropped out, all helping to work towards getting them into the track.

Sleepers and odd jobs

We set about beginning the replacement of failed sleepers between Midland Hwy and Rowe Street today, we’ve got around 200 to replace, and we made a start by installing the first 15 (as that’s all we had out on the ground)

While there, we corrected a number of small dips from Winters Flat Bridge, through to Maclise St Crossing, none of them major, but easier to correct when only minor.

The humidity did make the day rather uncomfortable, however we pushed through, also managing a big whipper snipping around Midland Hwy crossing.

Thursday and Friday will be dedicated to sleeper trains, as we need to get sleepers out trackside for future works, we’ll be meeting at Maldon at 8am and heading out along the track as required.

Castlemaine Yard

On what was essentially meant to be a day of ballasting and Tamping the re-laid section of track outside the loco shed at Castlemaine, we managed to achieve what can only be described as a lot more than that.

We called in the tipper to help distribute the rock, it’s much more efficient than running ballast around by the bucket load, such as we’ve done previously.

We still had a whole range of holes, for various reasons dotted around the loco shed site, so we completed the works required to allow them to be filled.

Which then allowed for the whole area to be tidied up.

Which in turn then allowed us to make use of filled we’d stockpiled for the purpose of making a proper roadway across the track in front of the shed, the trust tipper came in very useful for this task.

We’ve laid geofabric down to give some barrier between the ballast and dirt, however in this setting, what we’ve done, once settled, will probably need a top dressing of good gravel to help it solidify and bind up.

We had Langy on hand with the bobcat to spread the fill, making for a much smoother job than we would ever have achieved with the digger.

Unfortunately we didn’t get a great shot of the finished product, but we’ll try get one tomorrow to show the full extent.

The other major task completed was dropping some rock into a section of erosion behind the loco shed, it was a bit of a two part exercise, requiring our digger to flick it over the fence, while Langy’s little digger went down into the creek bed to firm up the wall.

It’s a bit hard to see through the fence, but it should resist the floods a little better now.

In addition to all of that, quite a bit of tidying up was achieved around the front of the loco shed, especially the ballast profile, a section of poplar regrowth around near Rowe St was given a weedspray, at least to stunt its growth.

On the whole it was a very successful day!

Tomorrow will be a bit of a funny day, the big digger needs to make its way back to Maldon and lots of little awkward digger jobs need tending to, with the added bonus of forecast storm and rain! As such, if you’d really like a day out in the rain, by all means, please feel free to join, however you’ll be very understandably forgiven if you’d rather have the day off. Meeting Maldon at 8am or Castlemaine Depot from 8.30am.

Tuesday Workday

We had an extremely successful day on Tuesday, with the short section of track outside the Castlemaine loco shed reassembled. One of the great things about concrete sleepers is the kit like nature in which the track can be disassembled and reassembled.

Once we’d given it a bit of a line, it can up looking very smart! Ballasting and Tamping will occur on Thursday.

Yesterday afternoon was spent clearing branches that were too near the track, starting at Castlemaine and ending up near Maclise St. This is almost an annual activity these days unfortunately, we’ve still got the rest of the track to go, but it is quite a slow going task, using a pole saw to reach up high enough to get the offending branches.

Thursday’s crew will meet at Maldon at 8am then at Castlemaine from 8.30am.